Why can't we get Molson Canadian in the USA? We get Molson Golden and one other style but that's about it. I like Moosehead, personally (is that still brewed in the Great White North?).
As for the hockey team I say, "You go, girls!"
olympic officials shocked to see the hockey players celebrating drinking beer and smoking cigars.. but canadians are even more surprised and shocked to see it wasn't molson!!!!.
outlaw, shamus, poopsiecakes and others plan to protest if its true, "no molsons!!".
Why can't we get Molson Canadian in the USA? We get Molson Golden and one other style but that's about it. I like Moosehead, personally (is that still brewed in the Great White North?).
As for the hockey team I say, "You go, girls!"
you no longer fit in with the jw's and aren't yet accepted by those outside either?.
Fitting in is overrated. Just be you and some folks will like you and others won't. That's how the human race works.
Meet enough people and you'll find some who share your interests. You may even meet them online first as part of a bulletin board of interest, whether it's related to cars, sports, religion, or whatever, and then meet them in real life at some sort of live event.
I've always been a loner type but fading is a lot harder on my wife, who's a people person.
let me explain a little about what i do each day...... i work for a company that arranges trusts in the cook islands, turks & caicos, panama, etc.
i know that blondie is against what i am about to say, but i do not just believe that the wts have a variety of trusts in various jurisdictions around the world......i am absolutely positive they do.. .
i personally look after 14 trusts.
Don't forget, the Governing Body does not run any of the corporations. They have been marginalized for nearly a decade. They get the glory and religious power, not the money.
I'm fairly ignorant on this trust issue. What's the point of setting up a trust in a foreign country? To avoid taxes?
so what do you think happens to someone when they die.
i learned of the death of someone yesterday that was never a very good person.
i can't help but wonder where he is now... is he dead "aware of nothing" like the jws always said?
We don't even know one percent of all that there is to know. Not even close to one percent. What happens at death and what causes events that have traditionally been described as supernatural are two of the 99.9999% of the things we don't know.
as a semi-outsider, i've struggled at times to understand exactly when and how jw's believe the 'sin' occurs in transfusion.. specifically, at what point in the process does the 'sin' occur?.
for example, would a jw sin if they were to attach a small surgical tube to a hypodermic needle, put the tube in their mouth, insert the needle in a vein and swallow a mouthful of their own blood?.
note that by jw standards and rulings, the blood has not left the body in this scenario.
I think technically one could talk their way out of a DF in the scenario you present.
downtown brooklyn its definite.
rumors can be laid to rest.
the watchtower bible & tract society is moving its headquarters out of brooklyn heights and up to warwick, n.y.. we have submitted a proposal to the town of warwick to build a complex there that were calling the world headquarters of jehovahs witnesses, richard devine told the eagle tuesday.
About the France question, it was my understanding (rumor only, can someone confirm?) that they have managed to keep that tied up in courts and still haven't paid a dime. But they have to be thinking about "what if" for when the day comes that they have to pay up.
I can't wait until they start getting taxed in the USA.
the calm before session 2 of borg court is a chilling one.
quietly, our units go about their duties, but deep down, they're wondering: can we match swords with the very powers-that-be?
we are fighting against mount olympus itself, the elders, the organization--with our beloved wife and child looking on.
Hang in there, brother. Remember how Jesus dealt with his false accusers. He is The Way.
We're all with you in spirit. Feel it? We're with you.
he was only 48 years old.
he had a massive heart attack.
he was married to his wife since they were teenagers.
RIP brother. Your work outlives you and stands as a testament for your life even to those who never knew you.
idaho falls, idspeaking unto an audience of anti-immigration advocates, global-warming deniers, and members of the tea party nation, former alaska governor and vice presidential candidate sarah palin gave forth utterances monday that reportedly opened the sixth seal of the book of the apocalypse.. "wow, it's good to be here, just shootin' the breeze with a bunch of real, hardworking americans who love their freedom," said palin, her words echoing across the idaho falls civic auditorium as mighty tremors caused great unrest beneath the land and the sea.
"so are the little guys like you and me gonna fight these washington insiders with their big government agenda?
you betcha we are!".
BizzyBee, leadership, especially in the democratic sense, isn't heart surgery or rocket science. It's not even all that complicated. There's no such thing as an "expert" who is "qualified" to be president. If there was we'd have a test for them instead of an election.
the comment "fuck 'em!
" has been left for three hours and it's still there.. .
if some of you may recall, i posted on jw c@fe "praise jesus!
I'm only on the one Facebook group entitled simply: Watchtower
The rest are full of people I consider bad association.